Interested in joining us?
TBF-UK is a member-led organisation. Members of TBF-UK provide support to each other through opportunities to work together at trainings and CPD events, and we share the best practice and news of the most up to date developments in the world of Transformational Breath®. We engage in on-going peer-supervision and have a closed discussion forum for seeking professional advice and keeping in touch.
Members also have access to a growing data base for use in our professional practice and business lives. Their profiles can be found on this website along with information about workshops and trainings they run and news, blogs and features about them.
Yearly re-certification with TBF-UK assures your clients that you have met standards of best practice, including continuing professional development (CPD), advocated by the International Transformational Breath Foundation (TBF) and the Institute for Complementary and Natural Medicine (ICNM) in the UK.
Membership is offered to anyone who has completed the first part of the professional training programme (Level 4A) as well as any Certified Transformational Breath® Facilitators living in the UK. We also offer membership to anyone outside the UK if there is no support network in their area or if they are working extensively in the UK.
Send your details in the first instance to:
[email protected]
We will need:
- Your completed membership application form
- Your membership fee paid – £25 for interns and £70 for qualified Facilitators
- A copy of your insurance certificate
- A copy of your First Aid certificate
- A photograph of your self (face and upper torso only)
- Copies of all TBF and TBF-UK certificates (if qualified)
- The name of your mentor if they are based outside the UK (if an intern)