One day workshop
Reclaim your breath, reclaim your life.
One day breath workshop to restore health for mind, body and spirit. Learn to let go of all that no longer serves you.
This ‘time-out day’ for yourself is the perfect introduction to Transformational Breath® and can provide extremely positive, life-changing experiences, new perspectives, self-rediscovery and deep relaxation.
This workshop includes:
- Effective and easy-to-use tools for improving the flow of your breath and clarity of mind.
- Learning about the meaning and types of breathing patterns.
- Guidance and facilitation of the conscious, connected breathing technique.
- 50-minute breathing sessions plus two short breath meditations.
Embrace Holistic is situated in the beautiful Co. Down hills and has accommodation available which can be booked by contacting the venue directly. https://www.embraceholistic.co.uk/
Teas/coffees and lunches are provided.
Each day starts at 9.30 a.m. and ends at 5.30 p.m.
Event Details
- Date: 27/07/2024
- Times: 09:30 - 17:30
- Location: Embrace Holistic Retreat centre, Co. Down, N. Ireland
- Duration: 1 day
Get in Touch
- Website: www.lucywilliamsbreathwork.com
- Telephone: 07855938235
- Email: lucy@lucywilliamsbreathwork.com