Transformational Breath® in Northern Ireland
Meet our Senior Trainer Indalecia Rohita Ziritt as she talks here about her work in Ireland:
“Since I was a girl I have always had dreams of going to Ireland and imagined myself running in the deep green grass and being in a castle looking outside to see the beautiful landscape and to feel the mystery and magic of that place. As I started to lead Levels 4a and 4b trainings in Italy, Spirit brought together the two parts of Ireland in the persons of Claire Haugh, Michael Blake and Brian Williams. At the end of Level 4b I received a heart-felt invitation from Brian to lead seminars in Northern Ireland. Since the moment of that first invitation there has been a huge opening for me to lead events in other parts of Europe such as France, Spain and Austria and Judith Kravitz has recognised me as National Leader of three countries, Italy, Ireland and Spain and appointed me as a Transformational Breath
Post date: 9 November 2017